January 12, 2012

To Be Young

More stuff from the box! This was a little farewell sheet I made in 5th grade, in which it becomes pretty clear that 5th grade was not my finest year. In addition to being sent to the Principal's office that year...

I became very fond of pizza and R&B.

Also, my favorite subjects were Art and P.E. (Physical Education). It wasn't until years later that I would see the irony in this, as I went on to fail at every sport I ever tried and only created "art" like the multi-colored clay nightmare pictured below.

And also, my favorite day of the week was Friday. It still is! And my favorite season was summer. (Not so much anymore. Once my 5th grade metabolism went out the window, so did my affection for the bikini-wearing season).

CrapAbstract Art. Seriously, this is borderline "special needs" art.

So to recap, in 5th grade, I was a pizza-loving wigger who only liked classes in which I didn't have to exercise my brain, whilst living for the freakin' weekend and summer break.

Some things never change. And although my love for TLC has waned over the last 2 decades, my love for Boyz II Men hasn't wavered a day in my life.

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