It's been a while since I've done a product review, which obviously means I haven't been out there spending enough money! ;)
Today's (freaking awesome) product is Ghirardelli's Intense Dark Sea Salt Soiree.
If you like things that are sweet, but not too sweet, with the perfect amount of crunch and a dramatically perfect amount of salty bite...and things that are awesome...than you HAVE to buy this chocolate.
I dare say this is the best chocolate "piece" (i.e., not a cake, cookie, brownie type thing) that I've ever had.
I'm not typically in the habit of buying chocolate bars, but I had a few cents left on a Target gift card that was burning a whole in my pocket and it sounded so delicious. Basically it was fate.
Diva Bonus: Dark chocolate contains antioxidants! And even though I have no idea what that does or means, it sounds fancy and therefore justifies eating chocolate! Yay!

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