Justin Bieber - the 15-year pop phenom responsible for this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-qQdw7Xpv4, and for apparently 80million hits on youtube.
Let's break a lyrical sample down step by step: http://www.elyrics.net/read/j/justin-bieber-lyrics/one-time-lyrics.html
- You look so deep, you know that it humbles me - Eh, whatever. I can accept this.
- You're by my side, them troubles them not trouble me - Makes no sense whatsoever. Are you Jamaican?
- Many have called but the chosen is you - Soooo conceited, I'm not even interested anymore!
- Whatever you want shawty I'll give it to you - I'm pretty sure that goofy, pre-pubescent white guys aren't allowed to say "shawty".
Try again J. Bieb. Maybe one day you too can be a lyrical genius like Jesse McCartney.

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